Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why this preschool?

I realize there are a lot of preschools to choose from. Let me tell you a few things about my preschool that may help you make a decision.

I am a certified teacher.

Great value, $140 per month and no additional fees.

I live on an acre lot in a county island (we do have emergency services) the street is quiet and there is lots of room to run and play. A lot of our time will be spent outside (weather permitting).

We will have our own little petting zoo. There are cats, goats, sheep, alpacas, and chickens. Your child will get to learn about and see the animals first hand. Below are some pictures from previous years.

Parent comments ... these are from anonymous surveys.

"We really loved your curriculum.
The quality of the stuff you did was amazing."

"The best value and experience I could imagine.
We love Mrs. Leslie!"

Thank you so much !! My daughter loved going to school."

Need more details ... click for the Parent Handbook or


`The color brown. Today was brown day and so we finger painted with what else ... chocolate pudding. A little messy, but mostly yummy. The paint smocks kept us from getting too dirty.

Ice Cream Party. At the beginning of the year we work on our numbers, colors and shapes. Each day we build and count our color ice cream cone. When we have had all of our color days we have an ice cream party.

S is for snow. They had a great time running their fingers and throwing the "snow" up in the air. Even if it's not real it is fun to feel it come down on your head and have a snow ball fight. This is as close as we get to snow in Gilbert. 

O is for Olympics. On this day we had our own mini Olympics. We did the long jump, the balloon hug race and a few other fun games. Everyone did such a great job participating and got a gold medal.

W is for worms. They loved getting a little dirty and experiencing these worms. I was surprised how much they liked it. It was so fun to see them explore and learn by touching. By the end of the day everyone wanted to hold a worm. We had to wash and sanitize our hands extra before snack time!

W is also for Water. The worms were soon forgotten when we had our water party with the big water slide. It was such a fun day and when asked what their favorite preschool day was all of kids answered water day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Preschool Philosophy

I love teaching! I taught Jr. High science for 5 years and am currently Sunday school to the 15 year olds at my church. What I got tired of in the public school system was all the "other" things that go along with teaching (politics, high stakes tests, etc.) I have decided to work with the little ones. What I want for your child, and mine, is for them to enjoy learning. While we will work on reading, writing, science and math we will integrate these skills with art, games, music and play. I want to help each child progress academically and become more ready for kindergarten, but more important to me is that children develop a positive attitude about himself or herself. I will help create a positive attitude by helping them learn appropriate behaviors, complete tasks, achieve goals, learn to share and function in a group.